
Our services

Management development
Jemstone Consultancy can enhance your managers’ ability to add value to the business. We do this by providing training events, facilitating action learning sets, providing individual coaching, and assisting in the development of personal development plans. Our service often includes initial research into development need or core competences and can include the provision of psychometric measurement and 360 feedback. We also like to evaluate the effectiveness of our work with you. More . . .

Jemstone Consultancy works with individuals to help them reach their full potential. Our coaching service can be short or long term, highly issue specific, or offer general support for development. More . . .

Team development
Jemstone Consultancy can facilitate a wide range of organisational events. By facilitation we mean improving the outcome of group events by paying attention to, and intervening in, the processes of communication, meaning making, participation, commitment, decision making and action taking. More . . .

Jemstone Consultancy works with people or groups in organisations who know that something needs to change but are perhaps less than certain about where to start or how best to achieve their objective. Our consultancy is about helping organisations to achieve effective and sustainable change. More . . .

Additional services
While these are our key services, we are able to respond to a variety of situations and issues.

For example, one of our additional services is facilitation.

If you don’t see your concern outlined here, please contact us to discuss your particular requirement. Please telephone us on 020 8293 0017 or email us.